Wednesday 10 October 2012

Dance of the Naked Shadows

It is 9 am in the foothills.  Most people have left for work, leaving silence in their wake.  East window of my home glimmers with the pale light of a rising sun.  Silhouettes of leafless branches sway on the curtains, creating a breathless beauty that can only be appreciated in solitude.

I watch in awe, savoring how right it feels to have left the shackles of a traditional job.  I am grateful for this opportunity.  I am grateful for the support of my family, and grateful again for finding the courage to make the decision.  I am fully aware that there are many who would want to, but cannot; and many who can, but will not.  It is the latter to whom my heart goes out.  Having unfulfilled desires might make one restless, but what, I wonder, do absent desires do?  Absent – not in an unrippled zen way – but in a way that only profound self-neglect can give rise to?

Outside, wild wind is howling.  It is going to snow this afternoon.  The skies have grown homogeneous in anticipation, and the cloud-canopy has dropped to a cozy low.  Cozy low – or stifling low?  It all depends on perspective, and mine settles for cozy this moment.  I sit with a cup of coffee in my palms, watching the morning show of dancing branches on my East window.  It looks wild outside.  But in here, it is beautifully still.  Inside, there is no sound except the gentle breathing of The Hound while he sleeps.  Outside, the raging wind continues to blow.

Such a difference – inside and outside!  Who would open the doors of their homes on wild winter days, all to invite a blizzard?  Who would forsake the warmth and stillness within?  Who would exchange their comforting silence for mad winds of the external world?

Yet we do it all the time.

How often do we not give up quiet corners of our souls to the crazy tumult outside?  Why?

Blizzards will always blow, storms will always rage around us.  Our job is not to go out and try silencing them – for we would soon be overwhelmed.  Our job – our very necessity – is to build a shelter inside our own minds: strong enough to withstand the winds, warm enough to sustain life.  The walls of that shelter can only be built with stillness and silence.

It is what makes frosty winter mornings shimmer with magic.  Having one’s quiet spot…having one’s safe spot.   

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